Phone Number
902-350-1413 (Brian Hatt - President)
Contact Name
Brian Hatt
Contact Position
President, QGSAR
Facebook Page
Queens County Ground Search and Rescue is a small rural team located in Liverpool, Queens County, Nova Scotia. New members are always welcome, and we will provide the required training to all new members to improve their skills and knowledge level. Our team conducts training sessions two to three times a month. The team also meets on the fourth Sunday of every month at our Ground Search Centre in Liverpool at 7:00 p.m. for our monthly meeting and to conduct administrative business.
Our mailing address is
PO Box 1405, Liverpool NS B0T 1K0. Phone # 902-354-7319.
Contact information for new members:
Brian Hatt 902-350-1413
GSAR Base Location:
4 Old Cobbs Barn Road, Liverpool, NS B0T 1K0
Areas Served
Queens County (NS)