Project Lifesaver is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting caregivers to find loved ones who may suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, Autism or other impairments that put them at risk of wandering or getting lost.
Clients registered with Project Lifesaver wear a personalized bracelet. It is a one-ounce battery operated radio wrist transmitter that emits a tracking signal every second, 24 hours a day.
Trained Electronic Search Specialists with local Search and Rescue agencies can then locate wandering clients much more quickly than using traditional methods, minimizing the risk of injury or death.
Project Lifesaver was brought to Nova Scotia in 2010 by Valley Search and Rescue (VSAR) after they were introduced to it by Ron and Nancy Arenburg, and they became the provincial coordinators for the program. In 2011 a New Initiatives Fund grant allowed trainers from VSAR to travel the province and train all 23 teams
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